Product Description
Mascarilla Inteligente es una aplicación diseñada por el Ministerio de Consumo que te permite llevar un control del uso de tu mascarilla. En muchas ocasiones es complicado recordar cuántas horas o cuántos lavados se han realizado y es un factor importante para asegurar una correcta protección frente a la COVID-19.
Con Mascarilla inteligente podrás conocer qué debes buscar en el etiquetado cuando compres una mascarilla y asegura tu protección.
Controlar de forma intuitiva y visual cuánto tiempo has usado tu mascarilla y/o cuantas veces la has lavado.
Recibir recordatorios para lavar y/o desechar tu mascarilla al final de su vida útil.
Introducir tantas mascarillas como necesites controlar y personaliza sus nombres.
Obtener tips de uso e higiene al ponerte o quitarte tu mascarilla.
Visualizar las recomendaciones de lavado y deshecho para cada tipo de mascarilla.
Smart Mask is an application designed by the Ministry of Consumer Affairs that allows you to keep track of the use of your mask. On many occasions it is difficult to remember how many hours or how many washes have been carried out and it is an important factor to ensure proper protection against COVID-19.
With Smart Mask you will be able to know what to look for on the labeling when buying a mask and ensure your protection.
Control intuitively and visually how long you have used your mask and / or how many times you have washed it.
Receive reminders to wash and / or dispose of your mask at the end of its useful life.
Enter as many masks as you need to control and personalize their names.
Get tips for use and hygiene when putting on or taking off your mask.
View the washing and disposal recommendations for each type of mask.
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